Monday, February 13, 2017

Sarah’s Pleasure: Genesis 18:12
Poem by Mary Stromer Hanson

Artist: Gabriele Münter
German 1877-1962

These are thoughts for upcoming Valentine’s Day to those who may not have a romantic partner.

Sarah's Pleasure: Genesis 18:12 With trepidation, I address a topic of Christian feminism that has, to my knowledge, never seen the light of day. I have done some reading in perfectly legitimate scientific literature. One of many websites follows. In recent times—centuries perhaps—our embodiment has been downplayed in favor of the spiritual. However, this is a part of our experience; a part of our perfectly-made bodies that cannot be denied.

What is the “pleasure” to which Sarah is referring? The birth of a child, of course, but perhaps a bonus as well? Wider acknowledgment would be a source of positive feelings about our bodies, and/or even a "gift" to ANY woman.

This topic could be expanded in many ways adding to female empowerment. Why is it OK that female bodily phenomena have been kept undercover for eons, but vulgarly exploited by men? So many female body issues have been kept under wraps to our detriment and suffering: female genital cutting; menstruation keeping girls from schooling are only a few examples. These topics have only recently come to popular attention. I am presenting another discussion that allows us to reclaim our bodies.

Sarah’s Pleasure    by Mary Stromer Hanson
Genesis 18:12 So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought,
“After I have grown old and my husband is old, will I now have this pleasure?”

My body which was given for me;
I beg for mercy from that which
I do not wish to be delivered.
Sarah’s revenge let it be called.
Sarah who thought she was
too old to know pleasure!
In the throes of the dark,
let not the masculine imagine
they have a monopoly on
a night-time guest unbidden.

No forewarning, interrupting
deep REM sleep, riding a bike
through autumn leaves,
a remembrance of playful times.
Tornados about to devastate,
running frantically, fast, faster.
Subconscious memories surface.
Come back sweet sleep.
No, I beg stay, a relief so welcome,
Yes, no, whatever, visit more often.

Secret gift to nuns and sisters,
who are imagined not initiated!
The equalizing angel visits Eve’s daughters.
Next morning’s smile gives her away.
The sleep robber, who stealthy steals
into our dreams and makes them live.
Waves and waves of sweetness,
Sarah’s bed is not so quiet.
Should she wake Abraham?
Naw, leave him undisturbed,

Sarah thought herself long dead,
Again knows glorious pleasure.
She laughs over this gift to even
aged bodies that will not be denied.
If it could only be packaged, but
defies imitation, pads in silently
on cat’s paws, the unbidden angel,
the glorious elixir, the fountain of youth.
Who knows what hormones,
linger for days and prolongs the
secret memory as she spreads seeds?