Wednesday, March 23, 2016

In Memory of Her

Mary Magdalen 1926 by Eric Gill 1882-1940
Tate Gallery London

Mark 14:9 And truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world,
That also which this woman has done shall be spoken of in memory of her.

In Memory of Her

Mark 14:9 And truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world,
That also which this woman has done shall be spoken of in memory of her.

She, who alone understood,
            What the others found too hard.
Her alabaster flask was filled,
            With a rare and costly nard.

She, who did the utmost,
            Her lot in life allowed.
The poor are with us always,
            Here sat Jesus before her now.

She, who anointed the head,
            Of David’s son, this was the mark,
Of the heavenly King, who
By thorny crown was scarred.

She, who felt the scorn,
            “She’ll be stopped,” they vowed.
“No, this is a great favor.
            The deed she did just now.”

She, who showed such love,
            With the little in her power.
By her His body was prepared,
            For the burial and sorrow.

She, who did not speak,
            Her actions spoke much louder.
Had the twelve only asked her,
            Her motive would not be doubted.

She, who was not asked.
            Her wisdom lost never learned!
Her thoughts were never sought,
            Her voice was never heard.

She, will be remembered,
            Far as the gospel reaches.
Whomever is empowered, and
            Forever her story teaches.

In Memory of her, in memory of her.
Truly I say to you, wherever the gospel’s told.
In the whole world. In the whole world.
What she has done, will be told.
In memory of her.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Master's Voice

Painting by Jacques Josept Tissot (1836-1902:  Last Discourse of Our Lord Jesus Christ

THE MASTER’S VOICE     Matthew 29:30
Bread broken, a hymn was sung.
“I will not drink of the vine,
fruit of earthly soil until new
with you in my father’s kingdom.”
He raised his voice a soft rumble;
The root note beneath them all.
Thunder in the distance, his bass
Lifted them sweetly aloft.

Perhaps he voiced high tenor,
His lips shaping clear vowels
That soared above the others.
He set the true pitch sensed
 in shimmering stars.
Did their wet eyes seek his,
Inhale in unison, or did Jesus
Tap the down beat?

Harmony in fifths and fourths
Angelic voices chimed in above.
Marys and Simons in harmony
Tightly woven, occasional
Dissonance relaxed melts into
the sweetest tension.
Earthly echoes of heavenly resonance
A Capella or did John tune the lute?

This the voice lambs heard,
Stilled the water, raised the dead.
Which psalm duets the last cup?
A tremor here and a catch
In breath, there, they blend again.
A plagal echo lingers eternally
Absorbed in ancient walls,
Witnessed the final Amen.

By Mary Stromer Hanson March 2016